About Me…

Being born and raised in Seattle, Washington gave me a great appreciation for all things green. It also brought me up with a deep love of water in its many forms, from rain to the Puget Sound. I still look outside when it's raining and think what a beautiful day. Growing up on the Puget Sound made me into an avid beachcomber with my favorite treasure being sea glass.

For a change of pace, I decided to go to college in sunny southern California. I spent my college days soaking up the sun while studying marketing at Biola University. It also gave me the excuse to go to Disneyland almost every week.

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Biola University, I used my marketing knowledge to join the Guest Research department Disneyland. After performing on-the-ground research in the form of guest surveys I decided to change my direction and joined the Entertainment department.

I believe that the three years I spend working in the Entertainment Department at Disneyland were some of my happiest. I was able to work directly with the characters and help to facilitate guest interactions. This job enabled me to interact with anyone and to multitask well.

Then covid hit and my Disney dreams were put on hold. I moved back to Washington to plan out my next steps. I ultimately decided that since I had only ever lived on the west coast I wanted to try living on the east coast. I was hired by Abich Financial Services in Northern Virginia as their Marketing and Administrative Assistant. I have loved my time in the DC Area, exploring the capital and visiting all the historic landmarks.

The fall was the prettiest I have ever seen but the cicadas in the summer were too much and I decided to come back home to Seattle. I accepted a concierge position at Stratus Apartments in Seattle. Each day is a bit different but the one thing that remains the same is how much I enjoy building relationships with each of my residents and petting all their cute dogs. Only time will tell what my new destination will be…

Madison on the Empire State Building
Madison by a mosaic wall

My Favorite Things!


I love to bake almost every day and getting to share them is always the best part (well besides eating them that is).

Reading & Tea

Every day should start and end with a cup of tea. A perfect day is spent within the pages of a book with rain pattering on the windows.


Disney is where my heart will always be. As Walt Disney says: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."